How to Burn Sacred Scents to Clear the Energy of Your Space and Body


Energy Clearing

Smudging/Saining/Burning Sacred Scents is a sacred ancient cleansing ritual practiced by many cultures around the world.

It is scientifically proven that it kills bacteria and releases negative ions which promote feelings of well-being. There are many smudging traditions, tools and methods you can use.

Before practicing, it is important to be mindful of honouring not only the land where the plant medicine is from but also the ancestral lineage, practices, and traditions.

By combining the four elements: earth (herbs), fire (match), air (feather/hand) and water (shell), you can cleanse both yourself and home of any negative attachments to the mind, body, and spirit. 

Sage in Abalone Shell

1. Prepare the space

Have each room prepared by freeing any stale or negative energy by opening all windows, doors, drawers, and cupboards. 

2. Set your intention

Begin by creating a sacred space, grounding yourself and setting your intention. I sometimes like to light a candle, play ambient music and do some deep cleansing breaths. 

3. Begin the ritual

Start with a blessing, invoking light and calling any spirit guides to join you. 

4. Cleanse yourself first

To begin, light your smudging tool (incense, juniper, cedar, sage, palo santo, or another choice of plant medicine herbs) and fan it with a feather or your hand to move the smoke. If smoke affects you, you can dip your herbs into purified water and sprinkle it, or you can buy or make your own smokeless smudge spray. Fan, sprinkle or spray over your whole body and focus on your seven main charkas. Start at the crown and move down to underneath the soles of the feet and then back up, all around the body towards the crown. Focus on releasing any problem areas that may have physical, mental or emotional blockages. If there are other people with you, smudge them next going clockwise. This promotes both positive energy and practices the energy of giving and receiving. 

Misty Mountains

5. Smudge the area

Begin cleansing your space at the main entrance. Direct the smoke around the door frame and then continue around the perimeter of the room in a circular motion, with the smoke reaching every corner and opening (including electrical sockets, plumbing, light fixtures). The smoke is sacred, so it will go where it needs to reach. Repeat this process for each room and finish with the front and back doors.


6. Complete the ritual

When completed, say another blessing showing gratitude to any spirit guides and to the smoke for carrying away all negative energies from you and your space. Leave open the windows and doors for a while. Visualize the fresh air is filling you and the space with positive energy. Put out the smoke by sticking it in some sand or by pressing it into the bottom of an abalone shell or non-flammable dish. Be sure it is completely out before leaving the room.

How do you like to cleanse yourself and space? Leave a comment below!