Simple Ways to Face Fears



It is one of our biggest obstacles in life. It hides in the dark depths and stops us from growth. We all have fears, and the first step to unblocking your own is to know that you are not alone. I completely understand life can feel scary. I am constantly dealing with my own but there are ways to face them. Once we face our fears, we discover they were never as scary as we thought. Below are five simple tips that you can use to shine light on your own fears.

Simple Ways to Face Fears

5 Ways to Face Fears

  1. Water. Water is an extraordinarily cleansing, healing, and grounding element. Use water to physically, emotionally, and spiritually wash away debris. Wash away the energetic debris of your aura and physical body with a bath, shower, or swim. Wash away the debris of your internal body by drinking it. Wash away your emotions and feelings with tears.  

  2. Breathe. Your breath is your life-force. Without you breath you are not alive. I invite you to become in-tune with your breath and notice what your energy feels like. Distinguish the difference between your energy and another’s. When you find yourself in a stressful situation, instead of reacting, bring your awareness back to your breath, your energy, your life-force. It you feel susceptible to other people's energies, you can envision an expanding white or golden light that expands from the crown of your head that surrounds your body, providing you protection. Check out my guided chakra balancing meditation to experience this.

  3. Meditate. To unblock your fears until you need to connect with who you really are. Learn how to become conscious of your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions. Do so by sitting in silence. Connect your body with the earth and simple see what arises. The more you do this, the better. Try 10 mins, everyday, in complete silence. When you have done this for awhile, begin to meditate on questions that relate to your fears. 

  4. Connect. Practice distinguishing your energy by interacting and establishing positive connections and conversations with others. Recognize how your energy feels after a great conversation. 

  5. Create. We are all creators. As a child, what did you love to do? How did you play? Whether it is writing, drawing, playing, dancing, singing, playing an instrument, moving your body, try doing that and see what inspiration that brings.


Overcoming fears, protecting your energy, and raising your vibration all begins with you. You already have everything you need within you to begin this process, and incorporating these simple habits will aid you into unleashing the beautiful, unique force, that is you.

Comment below which tips you are going to try first!

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