What To Do Before and After Your Energy Healing Treatment


Before and After Healing

To maximize the benefits of your healing session it is best to be mindful of what you do before and after your treatment. Below are the recommended steps.

Energy Healing Before and After Treatment Flowers Singing Bowl

Before your Treatment


Be sure to eat a light, nutritious meal of fruits and vegetables and drink fresh water a few hours before your session to best prepare your body.


Allow your mind, body, and spirit to unwind at least 30 minutes prior to your session. Take some slow, deep breaths, do some light stretches, and check-in with how you are feeling physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Set any intentions for your session and think of anything you wish to share with your practitioner.

Be Comfortable

In order to receive the ultimate healing benefits, you must be comfortable enough to enter a deep state of relaxation. Wear loose, comfortable clothes and bring anything you need to regulate your body temperature (tank top, sweater, socks, etc.). Be sure to also use the restroom before the session begins.

After your Treatment


After your session, your energies will be moving around and detox will be taking place. Most clients feel light as if they are floating. Energy healing is extremely gentle yet powerful as it clears physical, emotional, and spiritual energy blockages. Be gentle with yourself during this process. At this time, it is important to avoid technology and instead be in a quiet space, ideally in nature, where you can reflect and journal your experience. Take 30 minutes to then either meditate, lie down, nap, or go for a walk.


Drink a glass of water as soon as possible after your session to replenish your body and ground your energies. You may be hungry immediately after your session, so be sure to eat a healthy meal if needed.

Contact Your Practitioner

Touch base your practitioner and let them know how your experience was.

Have you experienced energy healing? How were your results? Leave your comment below!

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