What is Energy Healing? How Does it Work?


Energy Healing

On some level, everyone practices energy healing. When injury or pain occurs in the body, the first thing typically done is to touch or hold the area for relief. 

You are not Solid

Remember the world’s most famous equation, E-mc2? In the simplest of terms, this equation means everything is vibrational energy. Yes, you appear to be solid but you are, and the entire universe is, made up of energy.

Many cultures around the world for centuries have understood this knowledge and have learned how to deeply work with the flow of vibrational energy to bring happiness, joy, health, and everything that a person deserves.

There are MANY energy healing practices around the world today that you might be familiar with, such as:

  • Reiki

  • Yoga

  • Acupuncture

  • Art Therapy

  • Meditation

  • Aromatherapy

  • Herbal Therapy


Speyeral Healing

Speyeral Beauty offers Speyeral Healing services that take a (w)holistic approach to healing. The foundations of this service is rooted in Reiki but also incorporates a wide variety of healing modalities from around the world such as sound healing, guided meditation, manifestation techniques, chakra balancing, crystals, aromatherapy, spiritual guidance, oracle card readings, and more.


What is Reiki? 

Reiki is a form of energy healing with origins that trace back to thousands of years ago in the East. In Japanese, Rei means Universal and Ki means Life Force. Many cultures are aware of this universal life force energy, each calling it by a different name. For example, the Chinese call it “Qi", Christians "Spirit" and Hindus "Prana". In the 19th century, a Japanese man named Mikao Usui shared this spiritual energy healing method which is known in the modern world as Reiki. Practitioners of Reiki can undergo levels of training from a Reiki Master Teacher who attunes them with a blessing ritual.

Learn how to practice Reiki and become attuned here!

How Does It Work?

Practitioners who are attuned to Reiki use this universal life force energy to stimulate growth, health, and healing. During a Reiki session, the client will lay down with their eyes closed in a deep meditative state. With the client at rest, the practitioner becomes a channel of Universal Life Force energy which promotes the client to heal. It is a very beautiful experience and helps promote harmony within.


Learn how to practice Reiki and become attuned here!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to learn more or to book a service.

Have you experienced energy healing before? Leave your comment below!