Air Ritual


The Air Element


The air element relates to voice, breath, life-force, wind, knowledge, technology, communication, theories, language, memory, comprehension, clarity, decisions, opinions, flexibility, and dreams.

Practice the following ritual to integrate any of the above aspects of the air element that you desire.


Air Ritual

1) Review how you feel about the air element and seek to address any concerns. Prepare for the ritual by having a notebook and pen ready, maybe play soft music or chimes, and possibly have air-related offerings prepared such as a feather or incense.

2) Create sacred space, ground your energy, call in any guides, clear and call back your energy, and set any energetic boundaries.

3) From an embodied space, begin to formulate your intention and include at least one of the air element aspects. Speak your intention out loud from your heart, for example, "I invite a direct integration of (ie. communication) from the air element in a way that is good for me at this time and beneficial for my life".


4) After setting your intention, invite the air element to join you. Use your voice and let your invocation come from the heart. You can also step outside or open a window to feel the breeze on your skin, connect to your breath or practise visualization. When you feel the presence of the air element, cease to invoke and greet. If offerings are prepared, present those.

5) What happens now is up to you. Some suggestions are listed below and you can combine them or simply review them for inspiration. No matter what you decide, it is important that you relax and notice when the energy begins to shift in any way.

  • Communication: Speak out loud with a supportive friend. Pay attention to where the conversation leads.

  • Clarity: Brainstorm ideas by writing them down and creating lists.

  • Memory: Watch an object like a tree blow in the wind, close your eyes and see how long you can hold this image in your mind’s eye. Look again when need be.

  • Dreams: Write out a list of goals (ie. I wish to have more vivid dreams), put the list in your pillowcase, close your eyes, and sleep or meditate with your head on the pillow. Notice what messages you receive.

  • Decisions: If making an important decision, write down all the options and then simply sit in silent meditation and see if you receive any messages.

6) During the ritual, honour the intensity level that is right for you, and when energies shift, notice what next steps you need to take for integration. When the energy has shifted, thank the air element and any guides you called in, and allow for gentle relaxation and shift your attention back to ordinary consciousness.

7) If you had offerings you might leave them in place for now or return them to the earth, trust your instincts about this. Allow for any full completion, making notes and shifting consciousness in any way.

Advaced Rituals

Once you become familiar with this air ritual, you can begin to practice it and others during different wind directions for amplification.

The North Wind

  • This blowing wind governs the universal law of change. It relates to death, the elimination of negativity, cold, snow, destruction. If the wind is blowing from the North, this is a time to release any bad habits, depression, anxiety, envy, jealousy, or anger.

The East Wind

  • The blowing wind of the East governs fresh, renewed life, strength, and intellect. It relates to warmth, new beginnings, heat, the sun, and the spark of creation. If the wind is blowing from the East, this is a time for improving your mindset and changes for the better.

The South Wind

  • The blowing wind of the South governs intense heat and light. It relates to fire, energy, and power. If the wind is blowing from the south it is a great time to practice any ritual.

The West Wind

  • The blowing wind of the South governs a gentle cool, moist, misty, rain energy. It relates to fertility, love, healing, and relief. If the wind is blowing from the west it is a great time to practice any ritual related to love and fertility.

If you found this post informative, leave a comment below with something new you learned or what you are going to try!

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