The Power of Your Moon Cycle + Practice


Your Moon Cycle

Why Practice Moon Cycle Syncing?

We live in a masculine-led society that is dominated by the 24-hour circadian rhythm. Modern society is losing touch with the feminine, infradian rhythms that are in tune with the 28-day cycles of the moon.

I invite you to keep an open mind and explore this practice further if you identify as a womxn, a person with a womb, someone who menstruates, are menopausal, trans, or as someone going through significant hormonal shifts.


Moon Cycle Ritual

The Phases of the Moon + Your Moon Cycle

To get started, start tracking how you’re feeling during each phase of the moon. If menstruating, when was the date of your last period? How do you match up with the moon?⁠ ⁠

If you’re not menstruating, you can still focus on this cyclical energy to help rebalance your hormones and regulate them to this cycle, or if you are a trans womxn, this can help you connect to the cyclical nature of your feminine energy. ⁠

Moon Phases

Follicular phase = Waxing moon
Ovulatory phase = Full moon
Luteal phase = Waning moon
Menstrual phase = New moon ⁠

When you’re ready begin the ritual by…

  • Setting your intention with the moon by physically looking at and speaking with her as often as possible.

  • Begin to take note and honour each cycle of the moon and how they align with your own.

  • Write down and answer the corresponding reflection questions and notice if they align with your current and/or desired situation…

Your Moon Cycles + Reflection Questions

White Moon Cycle (Bleed New Moon, Ovulatve Full Moon)

  • Are you desiring to have children?

  • Do you naturally take on a motherly/nurturer role?

  • Are you growing a creative business that takes a lot of energy?

  • Are there big ideas that you are dreaming into being?

Pink Moon Cycle (Bleed Waxing Moon, Ovulate Waning Moon)

  • Are you in a transitional phase in your life?

  • Are you growing toward something bigger, fuller, bolder, brighter?

  • Are you a go-getter, full of new enthusiasm, mental clarity, ready to go take on the world?

  • Are you desiring the unconventional path, feeling the drive to do something daring?

  • Are you transitioning into adult womanhood?

Red Moon Cycle (Bleed Full Moon, Ovulate New Moon)

  • Do you desire self-exploration and self-expression?

  • Are you finished or postponing having children?

  • Are you in a supportive/healer role that supports your community?

Purple Moon Cycle (Bleed Waning Moon, Ovulate Waxing Moon)

  • Are you in a transitional phase in your life?

  • Are you in a quiet stage of self-reflection and self-discovery?

  • Are you desiring more meaning from your work and personal life, maybe changing careers?

  • Are you figuring out where to put your energies?

  • Are your children becoming more independent and you’re letting go?

  • Are you making peace with not having children?

How does your moon cycle and/or these questions resonate with you? Please leave your comments in the section down below!


Your Collective Results

On my Instagram Stories the other day I mentioned that I practice this ritual and there was a LOT of interest! I collected my community’s questions, as well as which phases of the moon they typically bleed on, and the results were FASCINATING!

The majority of Speyeral Beauty's followers bleed in the Red Moon Cycle! This is when you bleed on the full moon and ovulate on the new moon. Given the nature of my healing business, I am not surprised. This moon phase is one of the healers or the supporters of the community.

Your Questions!

Q: "Which cycle is the best?"

A: There is no best cycle as it depends on where you are in your journey. The “traditional” moon cycle is the White Moon. If you don’t bleed during this phase it is okay! It is most important to honour where you are.

Q: “When I bleed on the full moon I feel highly emotional, is this normal?"

A: Yes, the full moon holds outgoing, creative energy. This energy could sometimes feel counterintuitive to menstruation as it is a time of rest and renewal (new moon energies). If you wish to shift your cycle, I invite you to set this as your ritual intention.

Q: “My periods have been out of sync for the past few months, will this help?”

A: I can only speak from my personal experience but I personally know all of this to be true! When my periods are out of sync I practice this ritual and surely enough it works every time. This being said, I am not a medical professional and seek medical advice when need be.

Q: “I used to bleed during the new moon but now I bleed during the full moon. I have heard that this is because I am in a supportive role?”

A: Yes! Exactly! Our cycles will shift and change as we do so along our journey. It is said that the Red Moon is a time of self-exploration and self-expression. This typically is a time in your journey when you have finished or decided to postpone having children. It is also typically a time when you are in a supportive/healer role for your community.

Q: “Can stress change your cycle? Can this practice help?”

A: Definitely! From my own experience, I know that stress will alter us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This practice always helps bring me back into alignment.

Q: “This is all new to me! How can I get started?”

A: You’re in the right place! Begin by practicing the (above mentioned) rituals. If you have any questions or would like to share your feedback I would love to chat further with you! Please don’t hesitate to send me a message!

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