Navigating Energetic Boundaries


Navigating Energetic Boundaries

…Because not everything is "Love + Light"

1. Acknowledge that we live in a world of duality. There is morning and night, light and shadow. This duality also exists for humans and other than living humans. If you don't allow for this to be a part of your existence then you are missing a very important piece of reality. ⁠

2. Develop a healthy level of discernment. If something is happening, we need to know how to respond accordingly in order to be safe. ⁠

3. We can say NO from a place of love, connection, and centeredness. There doesn't have to be harshness when saying no. Of course, there are times where we have to say harsh NOs too.

4. Conflicts will arise and we need to learn how to navigate them. Very often, conflicts are mirrored reflections of our inner world. If we work on the deeper meanings of these, the results will change. We can choose to intentionally seek, grow, and transform. ⁠

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5. Live and work from an embodied place⁠. We need to claim our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. We need to claim and take up this space because we don't want others to claim it for us. We can begin by dropping into ourselves so that we can respond from our intuitions.⁠

6. Cultivate energetic hygiene practices⁠. Understand that there are many ways to energetically clean our energies. Clean water is always a great way to start! Wash your body with the intention to cleanse.⁠ A salt bath is ideal. ⁠

7. Stay aligned with your path⁠. Continue to do the things that are important to you, that fill your cup. Keep taking care of yourself daily so that you can stay focused on your path.

8. Distinguish between feelings and facts⁠. We can be terrified about situations that are actually safe. Or be at ease about situations that are actually dangerous.⁠ Sometimes we have reactions that feel threatening and they actually aren't. The less reactive we are the safer we are in situations. ⁠

9. Befriend your fear. Fear allows you to access and decern danger. It has an important function to allow you to feel afraid and assess if this is a legit warning or your own projection. Don’t block out fear completely, it has a sacred function. It allows us to reduce trouble.

10. Ask for help. Know that it is always okay to ask for help and outsource some needs. Energetically, we can connect with and ask our spirit guides to act as our bodyguards in spirit. We can receive help if we ask for it.

⁠⁠If you are just starting the lean into your spiritual journey and want to learn more, I recommend checking out my Introduction to Energy Medicine Course!

Jessica CoppComment