What’s the Difference between a Highly Sensitive Person, Empath and Clairsentient?


HSP, Empath, + Clairsentient


On the @speyeralbeauty Instagram account I posted a poll asking if people knew the differences between HSP, empath, and clairsentient. Many were looking to learn more, so here you go! 

The best way to explain their differences is to put them in layers, with every layer bringing a new ability. We will start with HSP and end with clairsentient. Each layer is very similar to the next and each is a special gift to honour. You may realize you are one or a mixture of them all!


Highly Sensitive Person

What is a Highly Sensitive Person? Someone who NOTICES more than average.

  • They are very emotionally in tune to their environment.

  • They subconsciously receive very subtle clues in body language, tone of voice, and/or facial expressions.

  • They are extremely sensitive to smell, taste, sound and feelings or emotions.

  • Odoriferous environments leaves them very overwhelmed and in need of fresh air.

  • They find the brightness and hum of lights to be very agitating.

  • Quiet time is a necessity for them.

  • They are very moved by artwork. 

  • To do lists are overwhelming.

HSP Example:

If two people were having a heated argument and then suddenly stop and act as if nothing was happening because a HSP enters the room, the HSP would sense there was an argument due to their tone, body language, facial expressions, etc.



What is an Empath? Someone who FEELS and ABSORBS energy.

  • They are highly sensitive to energy and feel the aura of all living things.

  • Empaths absorb the emotional energy around them and take on emotions as if they were their own.

  • Highly creative, rich imaginations, and vivid dreams.

  • Does not like to watch violence, gore, and tragedy.

  • Literally feels the emotions of others. 

  • They know when someone is lying.

  • Roots for the underdog. 

  • Natural healers. 

  • Most empaths are HSP but not all HSP are empaths.

Empath Example:

If the empath were to enter the same room as the HSP hours after the two arguing people left the room, the empath would still feel the emotions and absorb the residual energy from the argument without any obvious evidence that it took place.



What is a Clairsentient? Someone with both the qualities of an HSP and an empath, with the added ability of CLEAR FEELING.

  • They have a sixth sense that takes them beyond the physical or emotional.

  • They will receive a physical sensation response to an energy, person, or living thing around.

  • They will not only receive a physical sensation but also and know with absolute certainty where, why, and how this person needs physical healing.

  • They absorb not only the emotional energy of those around them, but also symbolic, factual or physical information.

  • They typically use the word feel, “I am feeling…”

  • They feel the energy and emotions of others which manifests physically in the body (ie. feel another person’s back pain) and will have a sense of knowing what this is related to and/or how to help it.

  • They experience chills and deep feelings in the body and must pay attention to what’s happening in that moment.

  • They may experience a sensation of a slight touch on the body (typically the shoulder) and no one is there.

Clairsentient Example:

If the clairsentient were to enter the room hours later, they would not only tune into the energy of the room but also be able to perceive clear and specific knowledge regarding details about the two in the argument. For example, they would sense why they were arguing and maybe feel sensations in their body that was experienced during the interaction (ie. racing heart, sweaty palms, etc.). They may also feeling what is to come (ie. a break up).


If any of the above sounds like you, here are 5 ways you can begin to find balance and relief:

  1. Physically distance yourself from people.

  2. Surrender to your breath and practice meditation.

  3. Set healthy limits and boundaries.

  4. Visualize white light protection around you.

  5. Define and honour your abilities and needs.

There is a lot of information available online if you want to further research these areas. I wrote this post based on my own research from other sources and from my own experiences as a clairsentient. Please reach out if you have any questions.

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