Establishing Energetic Boundaries


Energetic Boundaries


Setting and maintaining energetic boundaries is important for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, but how is this done?

Most people are told to start by saying no more often, and although this is important, this advice isn’t always very constructive or easy to execute. In order to fully say yes or no, you first need to be able to connect with your truth that is found in your heart space. This is done by creating physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual space. Energetic boundaries help you to acknowledge, feel, and know what your own thoughts, feelings, emotions are.



When you connect with your truth you can respond from your heart by feeling the answer that YOU truly wish to give. Connecting to your truth can be very difficult when there are no energetic boundaries set because you don’t have the ability to trust your own truth that is felt in your heart.

Signs of weakened energetic boundaries

  • You pick up on another‘s feelings and then become uncertain about your own

  • What you feel does not match your current circumstances

  • You feel confused about topics and merge them with other‘s views/issues

  • You experience sudden shifts in sensations or emotions

  • You lose your certainty about things you once firmly believed to be true


How to

How to strengthen energetic boundarieS

  • Practice energy clearing daily

  • Physically distance yourself from others to connect with your own energy

  • Practice meditation

  • Practice speaking protection intentions out loud

  • Practice intention setting rituals that protect your energy

  • Visualize protective white light and sacred symbols around your energy

  • Call in other supportive energies such as crystals, angels, spirit guides, and ancestors.

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