Switching to Green Beauty Guide


Green Beauty Guide

You may have heard that conventional products and packagings are harming both the planet and your health. Now you ask, "how do I green my beauty routine?"

Female Hand with Flower Petals

1. Discover your Why

Why you are switching? Whether it is for health, allergies, environmental, ethical and/or other reasons, by deciding on your values it will help sort out your options.

Here are some informative resources to help you:

Field of Flowers

2. What to Switch

Replacing all of your products at once is not always the most realistic option. Instead, a manageable suggestion is to replace your conventional products with green alternatives when needed. When it is time to replace a product, have your alternative option prepared. I recommend trying product samples so you can discover what will work best for you in advance.

Many people wonder, what products are most important to switch out first? The answer to this question varies, but here are some reasons to consider:

What to switch out first?

  • Products for babies and children. Since their bodies have not matured, they are more susceptible to the harmful effects of toxins.

  • Skincare, body lotions, oils, and tanners. Your skin is your largest organ making it the greatest surface area of your body to absorb product ingredients.

  • Shower products. Not only does your skin absorbs more product when wet, but you also inhale shower steam which will be infused with the product ingredients. The product waste is then drained into water systems. One common conventional ingredient found in these products that harm both your health and the environment is Sodium Laureth Sulfate.

  • Exfoliants. Harmful product ingredients such as micro-beads end up in water ecosystems. Currently, Canada and some states in the U.S. have banned the use of this ingredient in personal products.

  • Toothpaste. Also known to have micro-beads, toothpaste can contain unwanted ingredients that become ingested.

  • Lip products. Known to have many toxic ingredients that will be ingested.

  • Mascara. Known to have toxic ingredients and being so close to your eyes can be easily absorbed.

  • Deodorant. Your underarms are an important detoxification area of the body which can be vulnerable to the absorption of products. Conventional options can contain harmful ingredients that block your bodies natural detoxification, causing health issues.

  • Everyday products. You are exposing yourself to these most frequently.

  • Sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens not only increase irritation and toxic load in your body but are also harmful to the ocean's ecosystem.

Ocean Sunset

3. Where to shop

Boutiques, health food stores, farmers markets, grocery stores and many online resources are selling green beauty products these days. The easiest way to shop is to find a store or company that has the same values as you. This way, you can shop in confidence and minimizing your time spent on research. 

Places to shop green beauty in Canada: 

Pink Lotus Flower with Lily Pads

4. Be Gentle

Be gentle with yourself during this process.  Think of conventional beauty as being your sweets (e.g. chocolate and candy) and green beauty as being your healthy meals (e.g. fruits and vegetables). You know eating fruits and vegetables is the healthiest option, but somedays you may eat some sweets and that is okay.

Although there are so many amazing green beauty alternatives, there are still some products that are only found in the conventional world. For example, if you are attending an event where you really don't want your mascara to run, then wearing a synthetic waterproof mascara would be the realistic choice. Be mindful, do and what you can when you can, and enjoy the journey!

Where are you with your journey? Leave your comment below!