Fall Asleep Like a Goddess


Peaceful Sleep

Having a good sleep will re-boots your system, making you more productive and creative. 

Are you looking to drift off peacefully to sleep every night? Below are some bedtime rituals you can incorporate to ensure a good night's rest. 

Fall Asleep Like a Goddess Full Moon Dark Night Sky

1. Darkness

Make your surroundings dim. Reduce exposure to bright lights, especially blue lights from cellphones, laptops and tv screens. Exposure to these lights shift your body's internal clock, misaligning your circadian rhythm. 

Tips to reduce light exposure at night:

  • Use a Healing Speyeral Eye Pillow to block out light, stimulate the vagus nerve, reduce stress, anxiety, and more.

  • Draw curtains closed and create a soft ambience. Use real or electric candles, warm string lights or a crystal or salt lamp.

  • Filter blue light. Download a program like f.lux that will automatically make the colours of your computer display warmer at night. There are also great glasses available that filter blue light, such as Felix Gray. If you use a cellphone in the evening, look to see if your phone has a night mode option.

Cup of Tea

2. Relax Your Energy

Make your bedtime ritual as luxurious and calming as possible by winding down your energy. 

Tips to help unwind at night:

  • Drink hot, caffeine-free herbal tea. Try chamomile, valerian or peppermint tea with a little honey.

  • Take a steamy bath or shower. Use your favourite bath salts, essential oils or body lotions to add a calming sensory element.

  • Have a warm blanket, comfortable pyjamas, socks, slippers and/or housecoat. It is always nice to have something cosy to wrap up in and make sure to wear loose and comfortable clothes.

  • Essential Oils. Diffuse essential oils by your bed to deepen relaxation. Try lavender, chamomile, orange, vetiver, valerian, jasmine and/or neroli. To enhance the benefits of these oils, mix them with a carrier oil like jojoba and rub them into your hands and feet.

  • Meditation. For those nights when your mind won’t switch off, turn on a guided meditation to ease your thoughts.

Field of Lavender

3. Relaxing Bedroom Energy

What is the energy like in your bedroom? 

Tips to calm the energy in your bedroom:

  • Remove reflective surfaces from your room. Mirrors and electronics are reflective surfaces that increase a room's energy by bouncing it around. If you can't remove these objects from the room, try facing them away from your sleeping space or cover them up with a sheet at night.

  • Declutter. My father always said the state of your bedroom is a reflection of your mind. Make time to tidy and organize your bedroom as it will help declutter your mind and improve your sleep. It is especially important to keep underneath your bed clear.

  • Energy Cleanse. As you would physically maintain a clean environment, it is just as important to cleanse your space energetically by smudging. This is especially important if you are experiencing restlessness or nightmares.

  • Crystals. Placing small crystals such as amethyst, selenite, clear or rose quartz on your nightstand or in your pillowcase can aid deep sleep. Try using small crystals as large crystals may bet too energizing.

  • Colour Therapy. The colour blue is recommended in the bedroom by colour therapists as it prevents nightmares and insomnia. It is known to soothe the mind, encourage muscular relaxation and settle breathing. If you don't want to paint your walls, try adding soft blue decorations.

  • Music. Sound is an easy way to change vibrational frequencies. Before or while in bed, play soothing music to encourage relaxation.


How do you like to unwind before bed? Leave your comments below!